Broadleaf Weeds
Proudly Servicing Newcastle, Maitland, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast, Port Stephens & The Hunter Valley
Broadleaf Weeds

Common Name: Bindii, Jo Jo, Onehunga
Scientfic Name: Soliva sessilis
Family: Asteraceae --- Lifecycle: Annual --- Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Winter
General Description: Bindii is a low growing weed with carrot-top like leaves, it produces a single flower at its centre, that when matures produces a prickly seed pod. The bindii prickles become easily stuck in feet.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Burr in late winter spring, Carrot top like leaves.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow - 50mL/100m2
Scientfic Name: Soliva sessilis
Family: Asteraceae --- Lifecycle: Annual --- Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Winter
General Description: Bindii is a low growing weed with carrot-top like leaves, it produces a single flower at its centre, that when matures produces a prickly seed pod. The bindii prickles become easily stuck in feet.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Burr in late winter spring, Carrot top like leaves.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow - 50mL/100m2
Common Name: Capeweed
Botanical Name: Soliva Arctotheca calendula
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Winter
General Description: Capeweed starts appearing from February to about April. It forms a rosette of grey-green succulent leaves and has yellow daisy like flowers with black centres in spring and early summer. Capeweed is similar to many other rosette type of weeds, the key difference being the leaves have white and quite hairy undersides.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Large bright yellow flowers with brown centre. White & hairy undersides.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow - 50mL/100m2
Botanical Name: Soliva Arctotheca calendula
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Winter
General Description: Capeweed starts appearing from February to about April. It forms a rosette of grey-green succulent leaves and has yellow daisy like flowers with black centres in spring and early summer. Capeweed is similar to many other rosette type of weeds, the key difference being the leaves have white and quite hairy undersides.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Large bright yellow flowers with brown centre. White & hairy undersides.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow - 50mL/100m2

Cats Ear, Flatweed
Botanical Name: Hypochoeris radicata
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Year round
General Description: Cats Ear is a herb to 400 mm wide with yellow daisy type flowers up to 30 mm diameter borne on simple or branched, leafless stalks at any time of the year with a flush in spring to early summer. The small florets all have radiating petal-like blades. The tiny fly-away fruits are topped by a stalked ring of barbed to feathery bristles. The leaves form a flat rosette and are variable being entire to shallowly lobed, and usually somewhat bristly but can be hairless. The flower stems often have galls. It is a perennial but often acts as an annual in drier climates.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Yellow daisy like flowers.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow - 50mL/100m2
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Year round
General Description: Cats Ear is a herb to 400 mm wide with yellow daisy type flowers up to 30 mm diameter borne on simple or branched, leafless stalks at any time of the year with a flush in spring to early summer. The small florets all have radiating petal-like blades. The tiny fly-away fruits are topped by a stalked ring of barbed to feathery bristles. The leaves form a flat rosette and are variable being entire to shallowly lobed, and usually somewhat bristly but can be hairless. The flower stems often have galls. It is a perennial but often acts as an annual in drier climates.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Yellow daisy like flowers.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow - 50mL/100m2
Botanical Name: Stellaria media
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Lifecycle: Annual
Seasons of Growth: Winter / Spring
General Description: Chickweed is a common weed throughout Australia, as well as the world. It is a small plant with shiny leaves on multiple stems which produce a single white flower on each stem. While it is an Annual, it can mature and start re-seeding a new generation of weeds in around 6 weeks.
Key Distinguishing Feature: White flowers, shiny leaves.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Lifecycle: Annual
Seasons of Growth: Winter / Spring
General Description: Chickweed is a common weed throughout Australia, as well as the world. It is a small plant with shiny leaves on multiple stems which produce a single white flower on each stem. While it is an Annual, it can mature and start re-seeding a new generation of weeds in around 6 weeks.
Key Distinguishing Feature: White flowers, shiny leaves.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2

Clover, White Clover
Botanical Name: Trifolium repens
Family: Fabaceae (Legume)
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Winter
General Description: Clover has leaves with three leaflets, and creeping stems that set roots at whatever point they touch the ground. Flowers are white or pink. Clover, with white flowers, is a member of the pea family. This means clovers can fix nitrogen from the air and therefore they favour poorly fertilised lawns.
Key Distinguishing Feature: 3 Leafed Foliage, White / Pink flowers.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow - 50mL/100m2
Family: Fabaceae (Legume)
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Winter
General Description: Clover has leaves with three leaflets, and creeping stems that set roots at whatever point they touch the ground. Flowers are white or pink. Clover, with white flowers, is a member of the pea family. This means clovers can fix nitrogen from the air and therefore they favour poorly fertilised lawns.
Key Distinguishing Feature: 3 Leafed Foliage, White / Pink flowers.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow - 50mL/100m2
Cotula (Carrot Weed, Funnel Weed)
Botanical Name: Cotula australis
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual / Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Spring
General Description: Cotula australis is a species of plant in the daisy family. Cotula grows low to the ground in a thin mat with some slightly erect, spindly stems. The leaves are finely divided. The plant flowers are only a few millimetres wide containing minuscule yellow florets surrounded by greenish brown bracts.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Finely divided leaves, Greenish coloured flowers.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual / Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Spring
General Description: Cotula australis is a species of plant in the daisy family. Cotula grows low to the ground in a thin mat with some slightly erect, spindly stems. The leaves are finely divided. The plant flowers are only a few millimetres wide containing minuscule yellow florets surrounded by greenish brown bracts.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Finely divided leaves, Greenish coloured flowers.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2

Creeping Oxalis, Yellow Wood Sorrel
Botanical Name: Oxalis corniculata
Family: Oxalidaceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Creeping oxalis is a small weed which grows from stolons and is typically found in lawns. It doesn’t have underground bulbils, though the stolon system is still an efficient form of vegetative reproduction for this species. It allows creeping oxalis to spread out through turf to form quite dense mats at times. It is helped by its tolerance of many of the commonly used selective turf herbicides. It has little yellow flowers which help make the plant obvious at those times of the year when it is flowering.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Small Yellow flowers.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow 50mL/100m2
Family: Oxalidaceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Creeping oxalis is a small weed which grows from stolons and is typically found in lawns. It doesn’t have underground bulbils, though the stolon system is still an efficient form of vegetative reproduction for this species. It allows creeping oxalis to spread out through turf to form quite dense mats at times. It is helped by its tolerance of many of the commonly used selective turf herbicides. It has little yellow flowers which help make the plant obvious at those times of the year when it is flowering.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Small Yellow flowers.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow 50mL/100m2
Botanical Name: Gnaphalium spp.
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual / Biennial
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Cudweed is an annual or biennial weed with a rosette forming growth habit. The leaves are broad and obovate in shape and possess a dull green upper surface with a soft, white or silver hairy underside. Growth begins as basal rosette forming stems with upward growth occurring as the plant matures. Cudweed flowers typically form from spring throughout summer and are purple to pink in colour.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Silver undersides of the leaves. Rosette habit, silver/white underside leaf.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow 50mL/100m2
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual / Biennial
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Cudweed is an annual or biennial weed with a rosette forming growth habit. The leaves are broad and obovate in shape and possess a dull green upper surface with a soft, white or silver hairy underside. Growth begins as basal rosette forming stems with upward growth occurring as the plant matures. Cudweed flowers typically form from spring throughout summer and are purple to pink in colour.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Silver undersides of the leaves. Rosette habit, silver/white underside leaf.
Key Products for Control: Bow & Arrow 50mL/100m2

Botanical Name:Taraxacum officinalis
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer
General Description: A rosette forming, biennial or perennial plant with backward pointing lobes on its leaves and single bright yellow flowers on long stalks and milky sap. Seeds germinate in autumn and to a lesser extent in spring.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Bright yellow flowers and milky sap.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer
General Description: A rosette forming, biennial or perennial plant with backward pointing lobes on its leaves and single bright yellow flowers on long stalks and milky sap. Seeds germinate in autumn and to a lesser extent in spring.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Bright yellow flowers and milky sap.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Botanical Name: Conyza spp.
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual / Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Year round
General Description: A short-lived herbaceous plant developing a basal rosette of leaves at first. Its upright branched stems are densely hairy and usually grow up to 1 m tall. Its lower leaves (4-10 cm long) are elongated in shape with bluntly toothed to deeply lobed margins. Its small flower-heads (6-12 mm across) do not have any obvious 'petals' and turn whitish and fluffy as they mature.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Fluffy white flowers, basal rosette of leaves.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual / Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Year round
General Description: A short-lived herbaceous plant developing a basal rosette of leaves at first. Its upright branched stems are densely hairy and usually grow up to 1 m tall. Its lower leaves (4-10 cm long) are elongated in shape with bluntly toothed to deeply lobed margins. Its small flower-heads (6-12 mm across) do not have any obvious 'petals' and turn whitish and fluffy as they mature.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Fluffy white flowers, basal rosette of leaves.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2

Khaki Weed
Botanical Name: Alternanthera pungens
Family: Amaranthaceae
Lifecycle: Annual stems, perennial rootstock.
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn.
General Description: A dense mat forming plant with annual tops, a fleshy, perennial rootstock, reddish, hairy stems and prickly burrs. Seeds germinate in spring and summer after rain and produce creeping stems and a stout rootstock over summer. Stems take root at the nodes forming a dense mat. Flowering occurs from March to April and the top growth dies in winter. New shoots emerge from the rootstock in spring.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Prickly Burrs. Reddish hairy stems. Fleshy Taproot.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Amaranthaceae
Lifecycle: Annual stems, perennial rootstock.
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn.
General Description: A dense mat forming plant with annual tops, a fleshy, perennial rootstock, reddish, hairy stems and prickly burrs. Seeds germinate in spring and summer after rain and produce creeping stems and a stout rootstock over summer. Stems take root at the nodes forming a dense mat. Flowering occurs from March to April and the top growth dies in winter. New shoots emerge from the rootstock in spring.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Prickly Burrs. Reddish hairy stems. Fleshy Taproot.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Lambs Tongue, Plantain, Ribwort
Botanical Name: Plantago lanceolata
Family: Plantaginaceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Winter
General Description: Plantain has hairy, long, slender ribbed leaves that form 1 or more rosettes from which emerge long, slender flowering stems carrying dense, brown, cylindrical seed heads that often have white anthers sticking out of them from October to March or in July.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Long Slender, hairy ribbed leaves.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Plantaginaceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Winter
General Description: Plantain has hairy, long, slender ribbed leaves that form 1 or more rosettes from which emerge long, slender flowering stems carrying dense, brown, cylindrical seed heads that often have white anthers sticking out of them from October to March or in July.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Long Slender, hairy ribbed leaves.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2

Marshmallow, Mallow
Botanical Name: Malva parviflora
Family: Malvaceae
Lifecycle: Annual or biennial.
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Marshmallow is an exotic annual weed that is dynamic after autumn and winter rains. It is an erect, sprawling or decumbent herb growing up to 50cm high that is covered with rather stiff star-like hairs and is woody at the base. Primarily occurs in southern Australia. Germinates in spring to autumn and grows rapidly. Flowers August-December. Spring germinating plants may flower when only a few centimetres high and survive over summer to become biennial.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Malvaceae
Lifecycle: Annual or biennial.
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Marshmallow is an exotic annual weed that is dynamic after autumn and winter rains. It is an erect, sprawling or decumbent herb growing up to 50cm high that is covered with rather stiff star-like hairs and is woody at the base. Primarily occurs in southern Australia. Germinates in spring to autumn and grows rapidly. Flowers August-December. Spring germinating plants may flower when only a few centimetres high and survive over summer to become biennial.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Medic, Burr Medic, Black Medic
Botanical Name: Medicago polymorpha
Family: Fabaceae
Lifecycle: Annual
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Marshmallow is an exotic annual weed that is dynamic after autumn and winter rains. It is an erect, sprawling or decumbent herb growing up to 50cm high that is covered with rather stiff star-like hairs and is woody at the base. Primarily occurs in southern Australia. Germinates in spring to autumn and grows rapidly. Flowers August-December. Spring germinating plants may flower when only a few centimetres high and survive over summer to become biennial.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Yellow flowers, black marks on centre of leaves.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Fabaceae
Lifecycle: Annual
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Marshmallow is an exotic annual weed that is dynamic after autumn and winter rains. It is an erect, sprawling or decumbent herb growing up to 50cm high that is covered with rather stiff star-like hairs and is woody at the base. Primarily occurs in southern Australia. Germinates in spring to autumn and grows rapidly. Flowers August-December. Spring germinating plants may flower when only a few centimetres high and survive over summer to become biennial.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Yellow flowers, black marks on centre of leaves.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2

Botanical Name: Sagina procumbens
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Pearlwort is a dense low growing dicot weed with smooth slender stems rooting at the nodes with oppositely arranged, thin grassy like leaves up to 14mm long. The heavily branched stems form a mat-like growth habit that forms thick ground cover. Small flowers appear in spring, summer and autumn and are a small, inconspicuous flower with green sepals and tiny white petals. Flowers remain closed in bud and bloom briefly. Pearlwort is propagated mainly through seed but can also grow from vegetative parts.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Tiny white flowers.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Spring / Summer / Autumn
General Description: Pearlwort is a dense low growing dicot weed with smooth slender stems rooting at the nodes with oppositely arranged, thin grassy like leaves up to 14mm long. The heavily branched stems form a mat-like growth habit that forms thick ground cover. Small flowers appear in spring, summer and autumn and are a small, inconspicuous flower with green sepals and tiny white petals. Flowers remain closed in bud and bloom briefly. Pearlwort is propagated mainly through seed but can also grow from vegetative parts.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Tiny white flowers.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Pennywort, Pennyweed
Botanical Name: Hydrocotyle tripartita
Family: Apiaceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Late Winter / Spring
General Description: A small long-lived herbaceous plant with creeping stems. Its slender stems are hairy and take root at the joints. Its small leaves (1.2-3 cm across) are borne on stalks 1-10 cm long and have three to seven toothed lobes. Its tiny flowers are densely arranged in small clusters that are borne on stalks about 1.5 cm long its small rounded fruit are about 1 mm across and split in two when mature.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Small leaves and creeping stems.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Apiaceae
Lifecycle: Perennial
Seasons of Growth: Late Winter / Spring
General Description: A small long-lived herbaceous plant with creeping stems. Its slender stems are hairy and take root at the joints. Its small leaves (1.2-3 cm across) are borne on stalks 1-10 cm long and have three to seven toothed lobes. Its tiny flowers are densely arranged in small clusters that are borne on stalks about 1.5 cm long its small rounded fruit are about 1 mm across and split in two when mature.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Small leaves and creeping stems.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2

Thistles, Sow Thistle
Botanical Name: Sochus spp
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Spring
General Description: An erect, hairless, branched plant with sprays of yellow, thistle type flowers at the ends of branches and large, soft, lobed leaves. Common Sowthistle is an erect, hairless, annual or biennial herb about 1 m tall with hollow stems which have a milky sap. Basal leaves are up to 30 cm long, form a rosette and are soft and lobed or toothed. The yellow flower heads are clustered, each about 2 cm in diameter. The tiny fruits are short and flattened. It flowers for much of the year but mainly in spring and early summer.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Yellow flowers that flower most of the year.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2
Family: Asteraceae
Lifecycle: Annual
Seasons of Growth: Autumn / Spring
General Description: An erect, hairless, branched plant with sprays of yellow, thistle type flowers at the ends of branches and large, soft, lobed leaves. Common Sowthistle is an erect, hairless, annual or biennial herb about 1 m tall with hollow stems which have a milky sap. Basal leaves are up to 30 cm long, form a rosette and are soft and lobed or toothed. The yellow flower heads are clustered, each about 2 cm in diameter. The tiny fruits are short and flattened. It flowers for much of the year but mainly in spring and early summer.
Key Distinguishing Feature: Yellow flowers that flower most of the year.
Key Products for Control: Contra M - 65mL/100m2